The Familyhood Handbook
written by David N. Roach



What is Familyhood?

Familyhood defines schools as the center of the communities development.

The main goal of Familyhood is to produce Alumni.

Alumni are graduates who join the Alumni Association with the added role of mentoring the schools Student Government Association.

Familyhood believes “the more Alumni a community produces, the more developed the community will become.
There, the means of production are Alumni.

Why Alumni?
With Familyhood, schools expand their service to the individual from, typically four years to their entire life, as an Alumni.

The school attempts to give each of its students the best educational experience possible, including an engaging Student Government Association, that when the student graduates, they will join the schools Alumni Association.

For example, lets say Kwame N. graduates from Ida B. Wells High School in four years at the age of 18. He graduates and joins the Alumni Association immediately and is still active in the Alumni Association. He is now 60 years old. From the schools perspective, they served Kwame for four years as a student and have benefited from Kwame, serving the school for now 42 years (60-18).

Since most people attend schools near their community, Familyhood promotes Alumni from these schools to increase local control and most importantly, to empower its youth, to lead its future.

The math formula for Familyhood is: FAM = SGA+PTA+AA+FOS
FAM – stands for Famliyhood.
SGA – stands for Student Government Association
AA – Alumni Association
FOS – Friends of Schools ( Community organizations, leaders, companies, etc)

The Do Now strategy for schools to get started in their community is 1st Saturdays or rather 1st is the official monthly volunteer day at schools. 
Schools decide what their activities schools will perform.
Familyhood recommends to schools that sign -up to host 1stSaturdays at to insert time in the days iteniery time to hear updates from the schools Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Association. If the school does not have these organizations functioning then dedicate some time to starting that organization. 
The collaboration of these three school-based organizations, in essence is the school’ Familyhood . 

The main goal of the school’s Familyhood is to produce Alumni.


Chinhoyi University of Technology


Addis Ababa University


University of Nairobi


University of Lagos
