
As Malcolm X, stated, “education is the passport for the future,. For those who prepare today, will lead tomorrow.
AfricanMade.org is a site created by David N. Roach to not only unofficially promote AfCFTA, here in the United States and beyond, but to share the Familyhood vision in Africa.

Why is Familyhood important?
Typically, when one thinks of something “made”, one envisions raw materials being converted into finished good and / or this “manufacturing process ” happening in a certain geographic area, i .e Made in America, Made in China.
Typically companies able to exploit the minerals or other incentives (tax credits) of this certain geographic region benefit, while the people living in these geographical area may find a certain number of jobs.
While the above scenario is a global trend for development, aside from a certain of jobs, the people living in these communities,. in the long-term, receive very little.
Another model for development tends to be spearheaded by NGO’s or non-profit organizations (including churches). Their philosophy tends to be, to state the problem, i.e. “end hunger, improve education, etc, and contribute your money to our organization, to help solve the problem.

The problem with both the for -profit and the non-profit model, mentioned above, is they are not sustainable. Although, there may be cases of some organizations making a huge difference, the above analogy is “generally speaking.”
Many non-profits come and go. many companies, pollute/exploit the land, leave, to start all over again, somewhere else.
Africa, with the leadership of the African Union and the AfCFTA forty year vision, is now standing on the back of its ancestors with a view that one day Africa and all its resources, will benefit the African people first.
How will it mobilize 1.3 billion African people?

As Malcolm mentioned above, “Education is the passport for the future.” I believe Malcolm was speaking about the individual who attains an education has a greater chance in the future. While I agree with this perspective, Familyhood goes beyond the individual, to the school-based organizations schools typically should have, but rarely prioritize as important aspects of a students educational experience.
To elaborate, Familyhood defines schools as the center of the communities development and is driven by two motto’s. 1) Every school shall have a functioning Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Association and 2) Every school shall have a garden, a farmers market and eventually a grocery store. In short, the school’s Familyhood (motto one organizations) together plan and operate the these school-base, food related enterprises.

In other words, instead of solely focusing on individuals receiving an education and improving communiities in the future, Familyhood emphasizes these three main organizations to function, to empower the school and its surrounding community,

Like AfCFTA, Familyhood is a vision that will not improve communities overnight. Familyhood is a 20 year vision that plants a seed in the minds of its students, to all join their Student Government Association and when they graduate, to join their schools Alumni Association and return to mentor the next generation of student government leaders.